bank relation book câu
bank book
Vatican Bank: Book value of $972 million.Ngân hàng Vatican: Giá trị sổ sách khoảng 972 triệu USD. Surprised, Hyun quickly hid his acco...

That was my goal: to look at my bank-book and see a million dollars there.Mục tiêu của tôi: nhìn vào tài khoản ngân hàng và thấy trong ...

Can we not talk about my sister in relation to,Chúng ta có thể không nói chuyện liên quan đến chị tớ Yes Yes Yes to recall, in relatio...

So I suppose she's carrying a copy of a book with a flower in it?Vậy là cô ấy mang 1 quyển sách với 1 bông hoa trên đó? The book is th...

by the book
What I'm doing, it's not exactly by the book.Và những gì tôi đang làm thì không hoàn toàn theo luật. This isn't about doing it by the ...

binary relation
An equivalence relation is a binary relation which isQuan hệ liên hợp là một quan hệ tương đương, nghĩa là Group (mathematics) Group a...

blood relation
You have no direct blood relation to her.Thậm chí cậu còn không có quan hệ huyết thống với nó. Cheers to the men who have no blood rel...

causal relation
You were unaware of the causal relation.Bạn đã không nhận thức được mối quan hệ nhân quả. This law only stresses the causal relation b...

dispersion relation
Such a dispersion relation satisfies the Kramers-Kronig relation.từ), những sự phụ thuộc này tuân theo mối liên hệ Kramers-Kronig. In ...

empirical relation
This empirical relation can be derived from the kinetic theory of gases under the assumption of a perfect (ideal) gas.Mối quan hệ thực ...

equivalence relation
An equivalence relation is a binary relation which isQuan hệ liên hợp là một quan hệ tương đương, nghĩa là Show that R is an equivalen...

fiduciary relation
other unless the parties stand in some confidential or fiduciary relation.Trừ khi bạn và đối phương có mối quan hệ hay sự tín nhiệm nhấ...

formal relation
4 Formal relation with the EGFEGF nguyên chất

functional relation
This highly functional relation within the matrix of the tribute system was shattered by the fall of Ayutthaya to Burmese invaders in 1...

group relation
The externalised groups of disciples are all of them intended to be expressions of a type of group relation which will be better known ...

industrial relation
These employees have their unfair dismissal claim resolved by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.Nhân viên cũng có thể nộp đơn khiế...

inverse relation
202 with inverse relationLời bài hát: Inverse Relation 202 with inverse relationLời bài hát: Inverse Relation As h and c are both cons...

linear relation
The principle is: the mechanical signal of hydraulic pressure is changed into electric current (4-20 mA), so the pressure keep linear r...

logical relation
logical relation between the two scenarios.quan hệ theo logic giữa hai kịch bản. The twist comes in the judgments of likelihood, becau...

near relation
"This man is a near relation of ours." Người này là người thân cận của ta . You know very well the Count is my near relation and poor ...

order relation
Group (mathematics) Group action Equivalence relation Binary relationquan hệ thứ tự bộ phận (toán) relation of partial order relation d’...

production relation
All were based on material production, specifically the development level of productive forces and the appropriate production relation ...

public relation
Social Media and Public Relation Executive Honoraran posaoSocial Media and Public Relation Executive Chủ động thời gian Social Media an...

reciprocal relation
There’s definitely a reciprocal relation between your website and Google.là một sợi dây liên kết giữa website của bạn và Google. There...

recurrence relation
The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:Các dãy Fibonacci được định nghĩa là quan hệ 'recurrence': is a recurrenc...